No, we’re not claiming to be world champions, but we love seeing our users succeed with PinToMind! It truly makes our day when our customers tell us we have the best customer support in the world. And the best part for you? Our top-notch free support is included in all subscription plans! Meet our support team and learn how we make customer support a pleasant and efficient experience!
Real people, real answers!
At our company, real people are here to assist you, not avatars or robots! Meet Jon, Sara, Te’ena, and Knut – our support team. They:
- explain everything clearly and simply
- are always friendly and helpful
- handle all kinds of inquiries and follow them up
How do we help our users?
First and foremost, by providing a user-friendly product. Our customers find it quick and easy to get started with PinToMind!
I have warmly recommended PinToMind within the organisation and have convinced several others to use it. The best part, in my opinion, is thatit's intuitive and easy to understand, even for those without extensive technical knowledge . Irene Alvheim, The Norwegian Fisheries Museum
Naturally, questions arise from time to time, and we address this by providing helpful and clear support pages while also making it easy to get in touch with us.
Find answers on our support pages!
On our support pages, you’ll find effective self-help resources that enable you to figure things out on your own. 💪 Many users appreciate this. That’s why we regularly create helpful articles and guides and keep them updated.
Get a quick response via e-mail
You are always welcome to contact us if you have any questions.
We have a very short response time via e-mail (on average, under one hour during business hours!), and customers are often pleasantly surprised by how quickly they receive a reply from us. ⚡️
Would you prefer to speak with us on the phone? You can add your phone number to our contact form, and we’ll call you. However, for the shortest possible response time, we recommend choosing e-mail.
Multilingual support
Do you know that, besides English, you can write to us in Norwegian, Swedish or Danish and expect a reply in the same language? 🇬🇧🇳🇴🇸🇪🇩🇰 We are an internationally based team!
Expertise and excellent communication!
Our support team knows our solution inside and out and has extensive expertise in information screen and digital signage management.
They engage with everybody with a friendly, solution-focused attitude, ensuring everything is straightforward and easy to grasp – for you to succeed!
With a passion for helping people and extensive experience in communication, support, and customer service, they are here for you.
Customer success stories
We regularly receive excellent feedback on our support experience, which we greatly appreciate. Here are some examples:
You have a fantastic product, which you also follow up on very well. I am pretty sure that you havethe best customer support in the world ! Rickard Nordin,
Härnösand Upper Secondary School
Easy to use, nice design andgreat customer service ! Johan Kristoffer Breistein,
Danielsen Secondary School
It is so easy to use! With PinToMind, we foundgreat prices, helpful instructions, and really top-notch customer service ! Charly W. Dunkan,
Aarhus Deaf Association
Support first!
If you need help with PinToMind, you are always our top priority! Free support is included in all our subscriptions, and as a user of our solution, you’ll notice that we’re dedicated to putting support first. 😊